Thursday, May 27, 2021


 Good news on amazon. They are starting to remove reviews. Well, fake ones any way. This could be a benefit for consumers. Let us try to be fair to all companies. Fake reviews are not good for us. Most people are starting to lose faith in the complex process. What we do need is a great watch dog agency.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

polar bear

 Happy as a polar bear on ice. Well, that is my new saying. Please comment below with a novel saying of yours.

Showing Off the Cubs

Sunday, May 23, 2021


 People have been riding horses for thousands of years. OK, so the horse was replaced by the family car. Maybe, when all the gas is gone... like the humble horse will make a come back, but we are not so sure.

Morning in the paddock

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Being rich

 Being rich is not in no more. It is almost like we finally do see some limits to the power in money. Just tell me that things will be better next year. This has been a bad one. Well, that is true for a lot of people not just me.


Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 Hey, we do not like noise. OK, so here is a competition of Topaz Denoise versus on one no noise. Perhaps we like to call it ON1, but there we are. Software using AI is taking over. Basically, we need to know that the future is wow.

Monday, May 17, 2021


Google makes available chat and work space.  This is awesome news. I do like to put these products to great use. Well, it is an excellent service.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Sunday, May 9, 2021


 Yo, the amazon prime fee is going up once more. Maybe, we can blame our exorbitant gas prices. I do like prime. Basically, it is due to seeing some awesome movies. Shipping charges are not that important to me. That said, it is nice to see an amazon van.

Amazon Van

Friday, May 7, 2021


People do talk about an enormous full moon. I like to see a new moon. Yeah, we do like to see... that which is new. Well, that is my case.

Moon in the early morning

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Elon Musk

 Elon Musk cancels a Tesla car. It is the 500 mile range version. Well, that is sour news. Most people do not need such long range. Still, it is a great option for some. Frankly, I do believe that electric vehicles are way too expensive.


 AI could turn you into a commie. Hey, we are not making this story up. It is just too crazy. Basically, we can hope that they are wrong. Freedom is so wonderful that technology is not gonna sway us.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

our universe

I do wonder what tomorrow will give us. Difficult days are ahead, and they seem so worrisome. It is true that we wanna see success. Oh yes, we wanna write our names across our universe. May God have mercy on us.