Monday, September 29, 2014

Rats in NYC

Too many rats in NYC yo. Like this is serious. Frankly, they spread disease germs. Also, they can get max aggressive.

Friday, September 26, 2014

water lily

Does a water lily inspire you. Beauty is in what you see. That is the ticket my fines ones. Look at the beautiful world around us. Certainly, we are in an awesome cosmos.

macro photo: Hoa Súng DSC07590.jpg

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

HP splits

HP splits into two companies. It wants to spin off the PC and printer business as a separate piece. Just what is going on man. Like this is strange stuff we are seeing. Do the want to abandon the PC biz now. Like is one interesting process.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Life is no easy process. Get more comfortable to where you re going. Oh yes, the path we are on is not so easy. Think about carrying a camera. It can capture your view. Art can mean different things to every one. People are funny about that one.

Friday, September 19, 2014


Prague New TownDo you want to make a connection with another person. Internet creates more distance and space. Neighbors do not talk any more. Most act like they live a million miles away. Hard to make a connection in this case. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

no global warming

Folks, there is no global warming. At least for the last 18 years. Well, that is super news. Like all that talk of a rising ocean. It is going to go away. OK so we guess we can use cars.

You tube is a success

You tube is a success. People use it more an NETFLIX even. Hey, that should surprise no one. Deptth of videos is major. Netflix is stale old movies. Like they are not as fun now.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Trust me, there are more poor mechanics in our cosmos...  ah yes, than good ones. It is the same in engineers. Bad ones are so many. Finding a good one is not so easy. However, executive want to pay crap. Basically, you get, that for which you pay.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


ZebraI do not think that a zebra would make a good pet for you. Still, they are nice. Well, not for riding any way. Most of the time we seem em in a zoo.

Friday, September 5, 2014

eat up

Folks, may we eat up. Dining is such a fine experience. Well, the bible does indeed tell us - eat drink and be merry. Certainly, our life is not a long one. Still, we should try to spend less time worrying. Yeah, it is not good to live in severe pain. Life is something we can enjoy. Best of luck to all of you.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Listen to me. Always, you taxes keep on going up. Do you see em go DOWN ever. Oh yes, what is my answer. It is no. They are always rising. Sadly, that is not the case in our wages.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

old age

Look at the seniors. Most did not realize the problems of old age. Sadly, those with no money are many. Retirement is a real pain. Do you want to understand what we see.


Monday, September 1, 2014


Sing me a RainbowBirds are awesome. This help cheer me up. Most do not sing. Still, that is plus wave. Folks, our feathered friends need us. Get ready for a long cold winter after our warm summer. Do not let em go hungry this year. Keep on maxing out world a great place for the little ones. Colors are so max.