Friday, June 30, 2017

flash floods

It has been a crazy year. Ah yes, flash floods sweep away cars. This is a sad world we are in. Like we got just too much water coming in. Customers are losing power.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

12 year low

12 year low in gas prices. Well, that is super max news. Like we do enjoy our prices. Hey, we need to find a new way. Yeah, to stop people from getting a new Ford F150 pick up truck instead of an economy car.

Magnolia Gasoline Station

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I do not like apartments due to noise. Yeah, it is better to have your own house or even a mansion. Just gimme some space.

bunte Häuser in Groningen (explore # 07)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Microsoft will lay off thousands of workers due to our economic crisis. Hey, this is affecting every one. Expect things to soon worsen. Look at all the malls that are closing down and stores that are boarding up.


Monday, June 26, 2017


Jets do fascinate me. Here are the Thunderbirds flying above us. Often we wonder how the pilots fly with such precision. Like the birds, they soar.

Thunderbirds (Overhead)

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Uber is an illegal taxi service. That is what court says. Kalanick, were are we. Hey, people could go to prison.

Friday, June 23, 2017

go pro

Things at go pro are max worse. Bad karma we tell you. Lots of stuff is the real reason. Hey, we need to get through to the wood man.

GoPro HERO Wide

Thursday, June 22, 2017

yes coffee

Scientists say that we need to stop global warming. That is will make your coffee cost more. Also, it will taste even worse. Frankly, I do not know the reason. Still, this makes we wonder about what is going on. Blame should not be put om yes coffee, but we need to understand our world some more. Basically, it makes no sense. After all, it would only make for larger coffee growing regions.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Travis is gone

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick resigns on pressure. He was on leave of absence for a few days this year. Hey, we do not know what his future is. Still, the firm should recover soon. After all, Uber lost 12 billion in previous years. Profit is elusive in this sorry company. Well, we got some awesome news.

Controversy can often get you some viewers. Well, I am glad that Travis is gone.

Monday, June 19, 2017

text messages

I love to send text messages. ☘ The best part is emoji. ☺ Yeah, we need to find some new ones. ☼ That last one was a sun. Glad we have just one. That is so super. Bosses often do not like phone calls, but you can usually send a text message. It is silent ad voice is noise.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

make it snappy

OK, so make it snappy... gimme some news. Well, here it is. Like we are not going to recover. Fact is, things are getting max worse. Yeah, we are already in an economic crisis. However, we will not see more malls close as well as groceries. Always thought they could survive a recession. Except this is a major DEPRESSION as in max.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


Ah yes, poverty is on an increase. Expect this to be our case. After all, we keep seeing more factories close down and move overseas. Yeah, we have more poor persons every year. Look at all the beggers and homeless men. Politicians claim that we are finally starting to recover. Frankly, that is not what we see.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

time space warp

What is gadianton canyon? It could be a time space warp. Three college coeds saw something that seems impossible to most of us. Yeah, we do live in one awesome universe. However, it is more incredible that we can imagine.

Going up...  (Explored)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

street art

There is so much street art we see. Few if any pictures will be in a museum. Still, they really are compelling images.

Roosevelt St Graffiti - part 2

Friday, June 9, 2017


Daddy, get me a pony. Certainly, this is quite common. It is right up there with a puppy. However, taking care of an animal takes a lot of hard work and is not that much fun after a year. People forget that personal responsibility is a major issue. Yeah, that is indeed what it requires.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Fast Food

Fast Food is not good for you. Often people get it due to convenience. However, your health is important to all of us. Society needs people to be strong and able to generate important products and valuable services.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Apple to buy Netflix

Apple to buy Netflix soon. Economists believe it is a good move. I am not so sure. Do not change a winning game. Frankly, that is my message.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Uber exposé

Susan Fowler's Uber exposé is awesome. Travis needs to grow up. He is 45 going on 14 even. Maybe his hormones are raging. Like that could be the reason.

Bedded In Softness

Friday, June 2, 2017

our economic crisis

Could be that politicians will one day wake up. Yeah, they might mention our economic crisis. However, many claim that everything is just fine and we are crazy. Like they do not realize that our precious JOBS are gone. Most were sent over seas... many years ago.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Travis Kalanick

Travis Kalanick was a very DRIVEN man. It is time to hit the road boss, in more ways an one. Maybe, our boy can find new avenues. After all, he still has a firm to run. He was a toxic boss - here are six signs. People were always leaving that company. Yeah, like rats abandoning a sinking ship - Uber lost 2.6 billion last year.