Tesla stock plunges due to low oil prices. Elon Musk is in pain. There be little demand for electric cars. Most people feel that the party must go on. However, we are running out and need to look to other resources.
Right now, our news is max. Basically, go pro is surging. That is what we see. Yeah, this was a wonderful wild year. 4K is taking over. Like it is time to get a new camera.
Keep calm and carry a camera. World around us is cosmic awesome. Still, we are so riven in worries. Maybe tomorrow will bring a brighter day for all of us. Oh yes, we do hope so.
Maybe our water is not so pure. Do you wonder why this is so. Hey, it is a worry. Let us work together in a purpose that is common. After all, we all breath the same air. Pollution is a problem for all of us.
Here are five families who were rich, but lost all their money. Well, we do not mean every penny. That said, they are not affluent any more. Sad to have so much and to now be so near zero. Just the way it goes. Life is so full of promise. Best to be thankful for what we have such as the clean ar or our sun.
Ah yes, olden times were a lot simpler than now. Keeping track of all the rules and regulations is not easy. There are just too many regs. Just tell me when it is over.
Yo, there is no nook for yur book soon. Microsoft sells its shares in nook so there is no hero any more. Actually, red mond is more of a zero. Expect great time ahead for amazon.
Trouble ahead for best buy my fine ones. Like they could join sears soon. Well, that is what we see. Sadly, it is our poor economy. Yeah, that is one on going crisis.
Red China sends us a lot of cargo. Do wonder how long this will go on. What do we send em. It is little green pieces of paper. Wait, we send them digital money. Like it is not real any way. Friends, currency wars are coming. Brothers and sisters, the road ahead is a scary one.
Do we see coal coming. Future is vapor power. Yeah, it is full steam ahead my fine ones. Burn that fossil fuel right up. World needs to keep on moving. Trains are what we see.
Got a dodge ram. Wonder if Chrysler will be around in a few years. Like they remind me of sears. It was a great company once. Hey, that was many years ago.
Friends, a "barn bubble" is coming. Do expect a rise in price. Yeah, it can occur soon. Places affected are your groceries. Taxes on farmers go up. This is due to land prices rising. Well, some one is gonna pay. Ah yes, that would be you. Eating food is a luxury now.
Victory is for few and failure is for many. Do we see the end of the line soon. Hey, that is what is coming. Get ready and do prepare. Black clouds at the edge of the horizon call out for one HARD rain.
The nissan leaf is an all electric car. People want to go off gas. Well, this is a way. Large wind mills could provide your power. Maybe the future is right in front of you.
The nissan leaf needs more range. It is 27 - 38 miles now. Well, that is not enough for us. Commuters want more. Getting to work is a pain. Electric cars are one more worrisome sin. Let us use some gas.
Love to hear the pounding waves. It is great to be near an ocean. Ah yes, the salty smell of our sea. Why do we forget so soon. Just take me to the beach and let me rest some.
Do we think is is unlikely friends an american marrying a russian. Still, like can surprise you. The cold war may go warm. Basically, we get along like cats and dogs or worse.
Body guard of the late Kim Jong Il tells how it was. Bro, this is one scary region. Glad that monster no longer hurts any one. However, the son is even worse. They do say, like father like son.
Yo, loose lips sink companies. Basically, corporate secrets are not safe any more. Colleges talk too much to enemies. People are neither safe nor secure.
Chicago had just now some snow. It was in October even. Folks, this does not point to global warming. Quite the contrary, we might be heading into a new ice age. Like that thought can chill me to my core. It is going to be a mighty cold xmas season.
Do you live in a high rise. It use to be the fashion years ago. Well, styles change and so it is. Citizens have some many options now. Living in a large metropolis is no longer so necessary. For example, you can order stuff you need via amazon. World is changing on us. Remoteness is no longer what it once was.
The science fiction stories of the 1950s never came. Look at the flying car. Did you ever see one. Just what is going to occur. Sadly, science fiction movies are movies.
Do we know what is coming. Like eating food in the future is different than now. Yeah, those seeds and fruits are gone. People munch on pellets made of blue green algae that taste like crap.
Let me tell you about when I was a young woman. I thought the most important thing in the world was making money. Well, now that I am old, I know getting green is.
Yahoo wants some wind energy. Future looks bright for solar power. However, wind mills are less expensive. Yeah, we expect to see more turbines going up.
Halloween store was crowded yesterday with college students even. They had masks of monsters like BADen, BILLary, and ozama. Yeah, he as the wizard of oz. Oh yes, many were 99 cents even. Hey, too scary for me.
Making it to the top is not easy. Goals are important for us. Let us start to build some thing that is new. Hard decisions are ahead for you. Build up your own saga.
Catholic Cardinals vote against gay marriage. Pope Francis is disappointed in em. Hey, that should surprise no one. Still, the bible does not happen to be politically correct in our new era. Liberals say the bible is hate and they are going to hate where they are going.
1 Corinthians 6:9
Or don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,
Elephants create rain. What a garden full of green. Forests are more than trees and grass. All animals have their niche and fill a role that exist for their species.
Question for you. Like who will win. Oh yes, the next race we mean. That is a bit of a mystery for us. Hard to tell any way. Still, we do indeed wonder on that one. Do not lose all your money. Well, on slow horses and fast women.
Hey, alzheimers disease cause by excess copper. Time to change out those copper pipe. Maybe replace em with iron. Yeah, we do worry. Like the finally found the cause. Oh, so it seems. Test was found using some mice.
Transportation in the future may rely on human power. Expect us to exhaust our resources. That means fossil fuels are no more. Yeah, a lack of coal, oil, or gas. Citizens, that day is not very far away.
Bro, old phones can be turned into cash money. This is a great way. Yeah, to save some green. Like we wanna get something for an old cellular telephone, but this depends on the model you are moving. I like getting ancient history out of my system and get on with our new. Make your own move. Hey, new gadgets got a lot more processing power.
Fellows, mountains call to me. They have a special magic. Cold crisp air is so max. Like they are so pure. It is an energy all their very own. Did we say energy.
Great white shark caught on camera. Hey, this is super max. Discovery always seems to have some sharks for us. Better than a use car sales man. Oh yes, they are almost the same.
Does a water lily inspire you. Beauty is in what you see. That is the ticket my fines ones. Look at the beautiful world around us. Certainly, we are in an awesome cosmos.
HP splits into two companies. It wants to spin off the PC and printer business as a separate piece. Just what is going on man. Like this is strange stuff we are seeing. Do the want to abandon the PC biz now. Like is one interesting process.
Life is no easy process. Get more comfortable to where you re going. Oh yes, the path we are on is not so easy. Think about carrying a camera. It can capture your view. Art can mean different things to every one. People are funny about that one.
Do you want to make a connection with another person. Internet creates more distance and space. Neighbors do not talk any more. Most act like they live a million miles away. Hard to make a connection in this case.
You tube is a success. People use it more an NETFLIX even. Hey, that should surprise no one. Deptth of videos is major. Netflix is stale old movies. Like they are not as fun now.
Trust me, there are more poor mechanics in our cosmos... ah yes, than good ones. It is the same in engineers. Bad ones are so many. Finding a good one is not so easy. However, executive want to pay crap. Basically, you get, that for which you pay.
Folks, may we eat up. Dining is such a fine experience. Well, the bible does indeed tell us - eat drink and be merry. Certainly, our life is not a long one. Still, we should try to spend less time worrying. Yeah, it is not good to live in severe pain. Life is something we can enjoy. Best of luck to all of you.
Listen to me. Always, you taxes keep on going up. Do you see em go DOWN ever. Oh yes, what is my answer. It is no. They are always rising. Sadly, that is not the case in our wages.
Look at the seniors. Most did not realize the problems of old age. Sadly, those with no money are many. Retirement is a real pain. Do you want to understand what we see.
Birds are awesome. This help cheer me up. Most do not sing. Still, that is plus wave. Folks, our feathered friends need us. Get ready for a long cold winter after our warm summer. Do not let em go hungry this year. Keep on maxing out world a great place for the little ones. Colors are so max.
Life is not so easy. Yeah, it's an uphill climb we tell you. Hey, if you gotta explain your joke, then it ain't super funny no more. People need to work on their very own. Reach for the stars and you get the earth thrown in. Just like a video game. There are many kingdoms to conquer.
Trouble at sears. Disaster nears. Future is very grim. Liquidation may occur. Road ahead is a bumpy one. Long term future is none. Citizens, sears is in a down ward spiral and a tail spin. Do they have the ability to get out? I do not think so.
OK so we were told robots would save us. Jobs were sent over seas any way. It does not matter to execs. All they can do is DOWN size and out source. Well, we are all down and out now.
Do you see what we see. Basically, american police are an army. Yeah, that is our view. However, we do have a lot of crime. Sadly, officers are seen as an enemy. People do not want em around any more.
Just what does a shut down mean. Like that is the question for us. Yo, here are some answers. Values are all mess up. Citizens feel that politicians do not listen to us. Basically, we need to get more. Most of us are not stuck in last century, but they act that way.
Libraries are ancient relics of a by gone age. Most people that are born now. Hey, they will never see one. Also, they will not care. Physical book are heavy to carry. Do add that paper is expensive. Well, it is easy to see where this ship is going. Check on film photography is you want any answers.
Yo, here are some web design tips. People want the web to look like a magazine. Not sure why this is. Maybe they want to create a certain feel on the internet that is more common.
Do you have funny money. Oh wow, fakes are getting more scary. How do you know if you got a real one. Bills have features that are new. These are designed to help you. Keep both your eyes open.
Things are not going so max. OK so thousands demonstrate in London on gaza. World is turning against Israel now. Well, that should surprise no one. History repeats again and again.
Libraries are going away. Digital is taking over. Maybe we should have seen it coming. Remember film photography and how popular it was years ago. Hard to believe it is near gone. People, there is much to lose and no gains.
Russian Deputy prime minister taunts our prez. What can we say on ivan. He does not like us. Like that should surprise no one. Biggest kid on the block is no longer us. Hey, maybe I am wrong. Just the other day I went into wall mart, and perhaps, the biggest kid on the block really is us. Most of the people in the store are way over average size.
Dude, we do like PHP programming. It is the language in our universe. Most programs are max. For example, it is used in word press. PHP is a great language for both experts and novices. Start coding your app.
Do women really talk more an men. Well, that what we say. Perhaps it is all about being social and it is super. That is not what science says. According to men in science... both are same. Well, we think that the winners are women. It can be unBEARable.
Just what we need is a new way. Well, the future is cloudy my fine ones. Cloud computing that is. Big box is going away. Replacement is a lot of small ones.